According to CPA Trendlines, 36% of affluent business owners are ready to make a switch to a new CPA this year. They want a “better CPA Experience” – which over 95% of CPA firms are simply not delivering, because nobody has shown them how simple it is. Instead, they are too focused on “busy work” that generates little revenue – essentially wasting their time and missing the opportunity to retain & attract all of those high revenue affluent business owner clients.
This course will illuminate you as to how the most uniquely attractive CPAs in the country are operating today and tackling challenges effortlessly by using a superior, systematic approach – enabling them to make a lot more money, from fewer clients in a lot less time in the office.
This session will show you how to provide the unique experience that Affluent Business Owners are NOW EXPECTING and feel that they are currently NOT RECEIVING from their CPA.
You'll further learn how to attract and retain the affluent business owners and wealthy families who are looking for a superior CPA experience while creating more time for what's most important in your business and in your life.
Find out how to increase your revenue per client by over 500% and deepen your relationships with clients that you enjoy serving. Moreover, have your top affluent clients become a referral source for you, touting their CPA experience to others.
Finally, this webinar will address how to access the most powerful network of specialists and resources for elite CPAs without third party referral risk.
At the end of this Webinar, you will find out what it takes to be invited to a private, invitation-only event for elite CPAs – called the Advanced Tax Planning Institute (ATPI), where leading CPAs get a chance to meet and learn from the most forward thinking specialists, tax attorneys, and leading resources who support the top CPA firms and family offices in the country.
Gregory, TX
"Excellent webinar. For the CPA that wants to move from "preparer" to Advisor."Phillip, MO
"Excellent job. Really enjoyed the points presented and the presenters."Jamey, OR
"Very informative webinar, some great insights to apply to my practice."Peggy, GA
"This was very relevant and much needed. Much to think about!"Sherri, MS
"Outstanding information! Definitely the way of the future"Jonathan, TX
"Effective and enjoyable presentation on the subject."Darius, CA
"Very good presentation and interesting discussions!"Ravi, IN
"Great information, very helpful and eyeopener"
Due Diligence Project
Founder, Due Diligence Project™ & Virtual Family Office Hub™
(858) 381-0795
Alex Sonkin is the founder of The Due Diligence (DDP) Project™ and The Virtual Family Office (VFO) Hub™.
Mr. Sonkin has authored a book, called “The Due Diligence Project™” and has been published in “Money Matters-Volume #2”, both available on Amazon. Alex has been quoted in a number of articles regarding the evolution of the CPA industry published in “Accounting Today” and has been interviewed on popular radio programs, including “It’s Your Money and Your Life!” Alex also hosts The Due Diligence Project Podcast™.
Highly sought after, Mr. Sonkin has been invited to provide thought leadership throughout the United States, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, and Norway. Mr. Sonkin began his career as a derivatives (options) trader and market maker as a member of the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), and the Chicago Board of Options Exchange (CBOE).
Mr. Sonkin is a partner in San Diego Social Venture Partners, and actively supports a number of other charitable organizations around the country. Mr. Sonkin lives in San Diego with his wife Jola and their four children. Mr. Sonkin is a graduate of University of Michigan Business School, in Ann Arbor, where he received a Degree in Finance and the Branstrom Award, a prestigious designation assigned to the top 5% of each graduating class.