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Ceb 3steps


Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.0 hour

Recorded DateJanuary 29, 2019
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

Accounting firm owners are working too many hours for unappreciative clients and they are not earning nearly as much as they should be.
Now, more than ever, we are feeling the pressure, stress, and burden of working in a high volume, low profit, and outdated business model. From late nights in the office and missed dinners with family, to the stress of never-ending deadlines, many are starting to realize this is not the life or the freedom they set out for when they started their firm. 
Yet, it doesn’t have to be that way. 
Join Rick Solomon, CPA, CEO, Author, and World Renowned Accounting Firm Growth Expert as he shares the exact 3 step process his accounting firm clients use to successfully add $30,000 and more to their monthly income. While others provide philosophical and/or unproven answers, Rick shares what decades of helping accounting firm owners get results has taught him about getting highly profitable clients, quickly.
This simple yet powerful process will share the strategy, the process, and the mindset needed to succeed, to earn, and to serve at the highest level. Best of all, Rick brings the perfect balance of proven examples through case studies and a “Zen” like simplicity to earning more and enjoying an enhanced quality of life in the process. 
This webinar is more than educational, it’s a powerful journey geared to help you gain back control over your firm and reclaiming the freedom you set out for when you started your firm. You’ll love this webinar for its inspirational undertones, its unique strong focus on a process that works, its introspective focus on self-awareness, and its hard hitting unconventional wisdom.
Participants will learn:

  • What the top earning small firms do to price, sell, and deliver highly profitable monthly work that others ignore.

  • The secret to effortlessly attracting your DREAM clients who are a joy to work with and appreciate the value you provide…

  • How to easily add high-value services to your business that can command $10,000+ prices and provide massive value to the client…but take minimal time and effort to deliver…

  • AND…how to do all of this without spending a dime on marketing, regardless of how big your firm is, or where your firm is located.

This webinar is for firm owners who are committed to growing, open-minded to new and better ways to earn higher profits, and who are 100% committed to serving their clients.

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Rick Solomon, CPA, is the President of the Center for Enlightened Business, a coaching company dedicated to helping accountants win much more profitable work and attract much better clients. Rick is a world-renowned coach, consultant, and thought leader in the accounting profession and has helped thousands of accountants add millions of dollars to their bottom line. Rick’s made it his life’s work to inspire, empower, and support accountants in becoming significantly more profitable while restoring balance in their work and life.

About Our Presenter

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We empower business leaders to achieve greater levels of success, happiness, and fulfillment by providing the formula for amazing transformation. Through two incredible programs, our members experience first-hand what it means to learn and integrate the Enlightened Approach™ into their work.