This seminar will provide an overview with emphasis on taxation of Captive Insurance Companies. We will include the historical developments of the risk management use of captives and an overview of the tax authorities that have evolved over the past several decades. This course will also provide an overview of the process of formation, ownership, and management of Captive Insurance Companies.
Captives were previously the exclusive province of Fortune 1500 companies to provide insurance for risks not available in the commercial market or which are felt too expensive. In the last two decades closely held businesses have learned of and are taking advantage of the benefit of owning a Captive. We will provide an overview of the reasons why your clients should consider implementing a Captive. We will also address the different types of Captives in the marketplace.
This seminar will briefly review what a Captive Insurance Company is, the risks that are typically financed through a Captive, the regulatory and tax fundamentals required for properly establishing and operating a captive, US income taxation of Captives, and choice of domicile.
Provide insight on Risk Management benefits
Provide overview of income tax considerations
Determine which of your clients will benefit with a captive insurance company
Richaard, SC
"The webinar was great and quite informative. Thought it was terrific amount of content for allotted time. Great job of handling questions. Also found it to be user friendly. Thanks for the opportunity,"Annette, GA
"I have one client who recently formed a captive insurance company. I've done some research on this topic and your webinar helped confirm much of my research."Jane, MD
"This webinar was informative and the presenter was both knowledgable and easily understood. Thank you for a pleasant CPE experience"Joann, OH
"I have wondered what Captive Insurance was for years. Now I really understand what they are and the issues they face. Thank you!"Richard, TX
"A quality discussion of an area that can be difficult to understand-- I like the depth of the materials in such a short time."Sherry, NJ
"This course provided an excellent overview of the history and the benefits and risks of a captive insurance company."Glenn, GA
"A great overview given that a significant amount of information was reviewed over a short period of time."Latrisha, GA
"This was my first webinar with CPAacademy. I really enjoyed the topic the content was relevant to my job."Frederick E. Turner, Founder. B.A. Economics Long Beach State University, high distinction, Graduate Juris Doctorate, Loyola Law School,1980, cum laude. Member California Bar Association, Central District State of California, Ninth Circuit Federal Court of Appeals, U.S. Supreme Court. Fred also serves as the Vice Chairman of the captive committee of the American Bar Association. Fred entered the field of alternative risk solutions in 1986. Throughout the course of his career, several large insurance companies have retained Fred, including, Hartford Insurance, Cuna Mutual Insurance Company, Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, Chicago Title Insurance Company and American Title Insurance Company.