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Supercharge your firm


This session is for small-mid sized private practice CPA firms. The strategy level content is NOT suitable for non-partners/managers, firms without business clients, or anyone in non-CPA firms. Please ONLY register if you are a Partner or Manager in a CPA firm with business clients.
Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.5 hours

Recorded DateJune 17, 2015
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

Attend "Supercharge Your CPA Firms' Profits" to learn: 1) How much profit is enough 2) The old business model is flawed - it's time for a new one 3) A new client focused business model that will uncover great opportunity 4) 12 key strategies to increase our profits now 5) Q&A all the way through the webinar with Rob, thought leader in the industry

+ Receive giveaways for attending: - Every firm that attends will receive 2 special offers:
1. A complimentary copy of both of Rob Nixon's books (valued @ $70). 'Accounting Practices don't add up - why they don't and what to do about it' and 'Remaining Relevant - the future of the Accounting profession'. Both books are in a category of their own when it comes to growing and developing a CPA firm. You will receive both in e-copy just for attending.
2. You'll also receive a heavily discounted subscription to our online PANALITIX solution. You'll be able to access our cloud business advisory software, e-learning and tools to help you grow your firm and develop your client businesses. The software and content is all about 1) get better with your current business 2) get capacity in your current business and 3) grow your business. You'll be amazed how it will help you improve your cashflow, profit, revenue, client service and personal lifestyle.

Only firms that attend the webinar will receive the special offers.

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Rich, MI

"I am a semi-retired CPA living in the Upper Michigan . My wife has recently taken an interest in helping with certain clerical duties . She also began learning how I bill my clients and how I account for my time. Since I have not relied on income from my practice for daily expenses I was more interested in solving my clients problems and less interested in what I charged for my services . My wife recently has pointed out a number of things I should do to improve the profitabilty of my business. Much of her ideas were hard to accept because i fit the mould of many CPA's when it came to Practice Management ( good CPA and average business manager. She walked in my home office about 30 minutes into Rob Nixon's webinar and stayed the next hour listenly intently to each word Rob said. She has never had any formal training in either accounting , taxes or management but looked over at me and said does this sound like what I was discussing with you the past few months. She was very impressed with what Rob had to say and wants to print out the powerpoint presentation and go over it me point by point . My wife iane never went to college but is certainly superior to me in this concept."
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Stephen, ME

"Was seriously blown away by this. Instead of trying for the bulk of the course to sell us on Panalitix, he spent almost all the time trying to convey as much useful information to us as possible. I am really psyched to start using this stuff in my practice!"
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Cynthia, LA

"This was the most informative webinar I have attended. I received valuable information that I can use to help increase my profits in my practice, and the speaker was highly motivational."
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Teddy, NM

"This was an outstanding webinar with great information and a dynamic speaker. Every Accounting Business owner should attend this webinar."
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Mary, AZ

"Rob's energy level in this webinar was awesome! His passion for helping the accounting industry really shines thru as well!"
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Gil, FL

"The speaker is amazing. I knew a lot of the things that he said but now I have the intensive to implement them."
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Jack, Other

"Interesting presentation with very good insights about the accounting business"
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Lucia, MS

"This was one of the best webinars I have ever attended. Great presenter!"
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Since 1994 he has been running businesses that specialise in helping Accountants run better, more profitable businesses. Accountants intrigue Rob and over the years he has trained them, consulted to them, coached them, researched them and visited thousands of them. His speaking work has taken him around the world where he has spoken to in excess of 150,000 accountants. Currently his landmark strategies and products are used by over 16,000 accountants in over 20 countries.

In 2005 he created the revolutionary coaching model called coachingclub. The coachingclub model enabled firms to be accountable, to consistently learn and to share ideas amongst their peers. Over 800 Accounting firms have graduated from his coachingclub program. The vast majority of firms have doubled or tripled profits because of the program.

He is the author of 2 bestselling books “Accounting Practices Don’t Add Up – why they don’t and what to do about it” AND “Remaining Relevant – the future of the Accounting profession”. Both have received rave reviews from Accountants and industry professionals from around the world.

In 2014 he released a groundbreaking cloud software solution called PANALITIX. Accountancy firms around the world use PANALITIX to get better numbers and delight their clients. PANALITIX helps Accountants automate their marketing and delivery of business advisory services.

Rob is a keen golfer (single figures) and adventurer (he is ticket holder 293 on Virgin Galactic to go into space). He lives in sunny Brisbane, Australia with his lovely wife Natalie and 3 children.

About Our Presenter

Panalitix helps accountants build the business they want. Using software, mentoring and content, their clients define and sell high-value services which help them stand out and grow their businesses profitably.